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Privacy Policy

This is the Web site of Tooling Design Inc. (TDI). Our postal address is: 371 Spicer Lake Dr. Holly Ridge, North Carolina 28445. We can be reached via e-mail at sales@toolingdesign360.com or you can reach us by telephone at (910) 803-2369. The following privacy policy will assist you in understanding the types of information about visitors to the site which we collect, and the availability of the material posted here for personal or public use. Please refer to our copy rights for more information on copyrighted content, acknowledgement of other copyrighted material, and guidelines on usage of material presented here. TDI does not collect or distribute the e-mail addresses of visitors to our Web site. TDI does collect aggregate information on visited Web pages, and information volunteered by visitors. The information we collect is used to improve the content of our Web site, and is not shared with other organizations for commercial purposes. The TDI Web site does not set any cookies. E-mail communications may from time to time be distributed to site visitors and other interested parties who identify their e-mail addresses in communications to or with TDI. Please advise TDI if you prefer to receive communications by regular mail. We will not share your e-mail address with other companies or organizations. From time to time, we may use visitor information for new, unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in our privacy notice. If our information practices change at some time in the future, we will post the policy changes to this page to notify you of these changes and provide you with the ability to opt out of these new uses. If you are concerned about how your information is used, please check this page periodically.


All designs, text, pictures, photographs, graphics and contents within and on this Web site are the copyright of Tooling Design Inc. (TDI), unless otherwise stated. All rights reserved. Best efforts have been made to identify and credit content of other authors, artists, publishers and organizations, but unintentional errors or omissions may occur. Please contact TDI at sales@toolingdesign360.com with corrections or additional information which should be noted on this site.

Web site visitors may download material from this site provided it is for personal, non-commercial use only and provided further that all copyright and other proprietary notices are kept intact. Visitors are also welcome to link to pages included in this site for use as reference. The TDI logo is reserved for use by TDI, for authorized purposes only, or by special permission. If you wish to request to display the logo for any purpose, please contact TDI at sales@toolingdesign360.com Web site visitors are welcome to use and quote freely from TDI announcements on this site. Inquiries about use of other materials on this Web site can be directed to sales@toolingdesign360.com